A sunny Sunday afternoon also signifies nap time, if only... I feel like I am underwater, I'm so tired. My sleep has been declining more and more in the last 3 weeks. At night my mind is heavy with overwhelming thoughts, emotions erupting uncontrollably. I hold myself up pretty well during the day, then the sun goes down and I'm suddenly confused and lost. I think I just need to follow my own advice and suck it up. That's the best I can do right now.
I was invited to a party tonight that I never even RSVP'd too. I have no reason not to go, and it's not that I don't want to go either. I'm just not. It's weird I know, but I don't feel like subjecting myself to awkward encounters and forced conversations. Actually, I would rather be in Oregon for the Stumptown Comics Fest so I can meet Jeff Smith.
By the way, keep your fingers crossed this week. I should be getting a call soon about a possible job at the coffeehouse. I also received a call from the Census Bureau to schedule me for either another test or the same test I already took or something, I don't know. Whatever it's for, it's on Friday, which will also hopefully lead to a paycheck.
Oh my gosh. THIS is amazing. A literary classic now with "bone-crunching zombie mayhem." Who knew?
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