Take a bad picture with a broken camera and you suddenly find yourself digging through Victoria's Secret bags for pink tissue paper. Overlap varying hues of white, pink, purple, and paint them together with watered-down glue. The thin colored paper blends together to create chromatic shades. [I hate all of these colors so it makes for an interesting interpretation] It's a fun technique, but I have yet to master it. I should stick to what I know.
A detail of what I started, but don't know how to finish.

What you're looking at is a lightly drawn hand over blue jeans (which looks better from a distance and the colors aren't so graphic). A cross between collage and mosaic, I glued colored bits of paper cut out of magazines. At first I wanted to do the entire thing this way, but considering the original image is mostly the same washed out and faded white, grey, brownish tones, I think I'll sketch the rest with ink, keeping this one focal object bold. I got crazy with the glue and it stained the paper, which only adds to its rather brash, disclosed aura.
Also, I have just finished reading
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, an ingenious author with a journal-esque writing style and quick-witted diction. [I highly recommend
Pale Fire to everyone who is capable of reading.] The story of an older, possessive, lunatic who is hopelessly in love with a spoiled, barbaric, minor. I felt disturbed by the characters' relationship and refused to sympathize with them. I certainly didn't hate it, but I suppose I wasn't mentally ready for it: a doomed love story? no thanks.

And pray tell me, how did they ever make a movie of
Lolita? let alone
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