Saturday, April 2, 2011


Choosing the corner of the only empty bench running parallel to the wall length periodical display of the Barnes and Noble, I eagerly flip through the brilliant pages of a visual art magazine - Stop. Go back. - A brief perusal before I am due to work has become a fully engaged study as I carefully read Ana Ibarra's article that perfectly defines the Art of Collage and my obsessive fascination with it:

Collage is inevitably the art of stealing and the art of de-conceptualization. A metamorphosis without which collage could never exist. Collage is the art of tearing, separating, disrupting, changing an image so that it becomes unrecognizable. Cutting and pasting. Taking an image out of its original context and leaving it floating in space, playing and crashing and encountering other cast-away images, finding their way to a different narrative, an alien story, which will bring them back to life. A different life. A new life that will come out of the aesthetic impulse and conceptual connections of the artist, creating new worlds of fantasy on a playful jigsaw without rules.

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