Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mmm... gravy...

It's amazing how much time you spend taking pictures of yourself to find that perfect shot, and it still doesn't do justice.
But there it is post-haircut: longish with shorter layers and some mega-sweet "bang" action. What makes this haircut great is I could wake up with the nastiest bedheads and it would be perfect (i.e. myspace profile pic - - myspace.com/Z_Rachel)

Every time I go to the salon, I wish I had a personal hair washer / head massager. Despite my clenching neck as they awkwardly position it in the nook of those cold, porcelain sinks, I could still lie there for hours with someone lathering up my head...
...rinse and repeat.

My favorite holiday is tomorrow and I've been invited up to New York for a long and uber fantastic weekend at my brother's since no one in my family will be around again. It'll sure beat last year's slew of pity invites from co-workers who felt bad for you that your family isn't even in the same state. Thanksgiving is saved!

I can already imagine this in some children's movie special; maybe it will give Turkey Day the recognition it so rightly deserves. I refuse to acknowledge all things Christmas before this one day I can embrace my gluttonous disposition until I bleed cranberry sauce and gravy.

I mean, come on! It's a whole day dedicated to food and football... what could be better? Don't answer that ;-)

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