Sunday, August 24, 2008

"A lot of pulp, but no fiction."

Sunday's seem to be my only days off anymore (since MMC isn't open) so it was about time I did some "sight-seeing". There are waterfalls all around northern Georgia because of the steep mountains, so I hiked to some of them today. To get to the hike trails you have to hope your brakes are functioning properly because you have to drive on curvey, narrow, dirt roads carved out of the side of the mountain that of course have no baricades to the sudden dropoffs on the otherside. Then rounding the corner you come to a random clearing to park and a sign that points to a dark pathway shadowed by enormous trees that disappears over the edge of the road, directing you towards the "sight". Let the adventure begin...

The falls themselves weren't particularly impressive, but it was fun. I also found my way to the used book store; it's actually in North Carolina, which is only about 2 miles away. It's an old house converted into an intricate maze of books that are literally piled high to the ceiling. I thought I walked through the pearly gates of heaven, except it was a screen door of chipping lead paint onto a musty, stained carpet instead of golden streets.

If you thought my coffee obsession was extreme, set me loose into a whole building filled with cheap old books and you will never see me again. And this place was particularly amazing, I wanted to move right in. The narrow aisles with loosely labeled sections between the tall, endless shelves grew more narrow as the books spilled out onto the floor in haphazard stacks. And you had to move heaps of books around to view all them (even on the shelves); they weren't neatly organized with every spine facing outwards to easily skim the titles.

You would think this would bother someone as obsessive compulsive as me, but I was amused. Now you know where all my tip money will be invested in...

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