Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Friends don't let friends drink bad coffee."

So I've been working at the coffeehouse for what... a week now, and they already have me closing by myself. I'm the only closer they have now so all of my shifts will most likely follow suit. Last night was my first closing shift all by my lonesomes and it went very well. I'm already getting the hang of things, although it really is an easy job, atleast for a well-educated woman like myself. But I have yet to master the ice cream mixer machine. Whatever doesn't end up (overflowing) in the cup is running down the sides, splattered on the counter, dripping on the floor, and smeared all over myself. I hate that machine.

I have been trying to resist the temptation in satisfying my coffee drinking habit, but it's difficult when you have it all at your fingertips, not to mention that it's free. And especially when you are taking care of a spoiled rotten dog that keeps you on a strict schedule... 6:30 am sharp she must go out, so I never miss a sunrise (which is the saddest thing in the world to me since I've watched them consecutively for the past 4 years) I can usually get back to sleep after that until she wakes me up again around 9 to feed her. But yesturday she refused to let me sleep at all and decided to whine and howl for a few hours. **scowl**

My neighbors brought over another bag full of tomatoes from their garden. GA has 2 growing seasons so you can get fresh tomatoes practically year 'round. They are de-lish, but it's becoming an equivalent to the Bubba-Gump Shrimp co... tomato sandwich, tomato salad, tomato biscotti, tomato on a stick... I'm desparately looking for new recipes that require tomatoes, and if not, I'll have a side of tomatoes. Tomato Tom-ah-to...

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