Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vertrauen ist kritisch!

It's finally starting to warm up out there. The eight inch thick ice rink of a driveway has returned to it's normal dirt and stone self. And small children everywhere can be seen skipping across parking lots screaming "Spring!!!" repeatedly. (true story)

I've begun to do some Spring cleaning myself and tore through my giant piles of stuff to reorganize so I'll be ready when the call comes in. It won't be too much longer until I'm employed again. I can smell it.

Yesterday I drove for nine hours for another interview in Pittsburgh with AMC Settlement Services. Building number five, sixth floor, I enter the double glass doors and from behind the receptionist desk wall I can see the entire room with cubicles meshed directly in the center. A little strange? Maybe, but this is a nationwide company that is currently expanding. Seems promising.

And now we wait once again. I'm on the edge of my seat here. In the meantime I'll be watching scenes from various TV shows and movies in German. Like this Bavarian version of Knight Rider. Be sure to make note of the music. :)

1 comment:

dan said...

You gotta change your profile and update this blog! You foreseer of foreseers. Congrats on getting a job.