Has anyone noticed I don't have anything interesting to write about anymore?
I always tried to keep journals when I was younger, but halfway into filling the blank pages of each book, I'd stop. Hating everything I have written, despising every thought, every moment, I would secretly take my journal outside and burn it. I've done this at least four times that I recall; start a new journal, set it on fire.
I can't exactly set my laptop on fire, but I have reached that point in my journal-like utilization. I will refrain from deleting my previous entries though, as I've decided to just revamp this blog. An idea I've had for awhile, I will use this more as a gateway between imagination and creation.
Instead of whining about bullshit or whatever the hell I've been doing the last several entries, I will focus more on my artistic endeavors. As a writer, an artist, and one of the biggest book nerds you'll ever know, I will update on the writing and art projects I'm working on, discuss the books I'm reading, ideas, goals, etc.
This will help me to stay motivated because I haven't done anything in nearly two weeks. But I have uploaded
pictures of the projects I've already completed within the last few months. I posted the link to my album on the sidebar.

So to kick off my new and improved blog, I must tell you that I have memorized all of Hamlet's famous soliloquy. I already own 19 copies of my favorite Shakespeare play, and thus deemed it necessary to memorize my favorite speech.
Success! Now to take my ultimate nerdiness to a more extreme level, I have a bloody fantastic idea: memorize Hamlet's speech in
German! Although this may take me a bit more time to achieve...
By the way, for those who've read my Lit. Sem. thesis, (
which is none of you) you'll find this picture very ironic.