Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Am I crazy? or did an onion just cure me? With bouts of dizziness, nausea, uncontrollable shaking from serious chills, and sinus related issues, I woke up yesterday morning with a throat the size of a grapefruit.

I immediately made a list, carefully drove my ailing self out to build-up my purse into a mini-pharmacy; Nyquil, Halls, Zicam, even chicken noodle soup and herbal tea. But one item seemed out of place: Onions

I still went to work that day too, swallowing hard, enunciating my dying voice, and pretending to be perfectly fine. I seemed to pull it off disturbingly well, despite I grew worse, nearly crying from my throat hurting so bad.

As I was ready to collapse into bed for the night with what I am sure was a fever, I cut off the ends of an onion, stuck a fork in the end and put it into an empty "jar". I was desperate to try anything, and I've heard of this bizarre onion remedy to naturally cure the flu.

Today - throat still swollen, but did not hurt, nostrils still fairly clear of nasal congestion. My room smells like onions, but I feel better.

I don't know. I have become somewhat of a health nut... my body may be well prepared for any type of ailment. Or was it the mysterious power of the onion???

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