Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Holy Sh!t it's Christmas"

I know I know... Thanksgiving is in two days, and no one should ever do anything Christmas-y until this righteous holiday is complete. But here I sit, under the illumination of twinkly lights with seasonal melodies caroling from my stereo.

Christmas came early this year, and after being struck ill this week [screw the onions by the way] I had to do something productive, thus the decorating frenzy began.
My Yuletide decor doesn't consist of much - I hung my small glittery stocking next to the crack in the wall. And I created my own window decoration tying a jingle bell to a white beaded necklace.

I am most excited about the lights for some reason... it's festive. After untangling the massive knot accumulated over several years of neglect, only two small strings worked. So I have white lights stretching from the top of my bookcase out into the hallway, then a string of colored lights continues across into my sun porch.

De- wait for it -lightful.

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