Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important."

I currently have no future. I have no job, which means I have no money, which means I am stuck at my parent's house, which means I have no life. And in about 4 days I will officially be an old woman... with no health insurance.

So it's no wonder I nearly had a nervous breakdown last night. What frustrated me the most was the fact my parents offered to pick up my loan bills until I got myself situated (this was one of the selling points they gave me to leave my job in Georgia). But when my first two bills came I had to pay them anyway.

And everyone's been diving down my throat about it all, stressing me out about things I am already aware of. If anyone mentions this real life bullshit to me one more time, I will officially be pissed off. It's not like I haven't tried... I hate to think that I put myself in this much debt going to an expensive school and literally working myself towards hospitalization for nothing.

I remember thinking once I graduated the stress would be gone too. *rolls eyes* What really has me frustrated is the very people telling me "I need to find a job" (well, yeah no shit) all have jobs, and are married, and living far away from here, and basically have lives, and plans, and a future. So excuse me if things don't work out so perfectly for me right away.


dan said...

I wasn't telling you to just find a job. I was just saying you need to do more to get a job. Even the ones you already applied to. It's a fucking competitive world out there and if you refuse to compete there is no chance at winning. If you think I've never went through this same shit you're wrong. I'm telling you from experience. You gotta get off your ass and do everything you can possibly do. Don't be so stressed out. At least you have a free place to stay, free food, and parents that are willing to help you out. It isn't like everything is roses out here either. I'm fucking broke as shit and i'm 1 million miles away. No one around here can help me out either. You are never going to get the things you want out of life unless YOU make them happen for yourself.

Rachel said...

This wasn't directed solely at you, everyone's being a pain in the ass. And it's not like the 'rents are helping me either (which was another selling point btw). All they do is make me feel like shit with their non-helpful stress-inducing advice. It's much more than just the job thing anyway. You have to realize that everything I own is stacked up in boxes in the basement. I have so many ideas for ink and collage projects, but I can't get to my supplies. I don't even have all of my clothes out, which are all still in suitcases because there is no room to put them away. I have adopted a messy lifestyle because I have no other choice; it's driving me crazy.